Thursday, May 19, 2011

free write

so yesterday i recieved a phone cal from my cuzins wife and she had asked me if i wold be able tot ake care of her son and since i had no school today i told her that i would gladly take careof her kid, but when i take careof him i also realize ho hard it is to care for a kid and how much attention that a child needs , if they are to be left alone for one second anythign can happen i them makes me realize that at th moment i am not ready to be able to take care of a kid and that i still need many more years of experience in the world until i am able to begin taking responsibility of another life. Though a child brings many joys into many people lifes with that happiness that it brings comes great responsibility that many may not be resy to hndle , and at this moment as i see my self i think that if i were to have a child i would not be ready.

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