Wednesday, May 25, 2011

free write

For part of the morning I have been looking for a small notebook because today when I tried to go to the school and sell one of my books they that if I was gonna sell one of my books that I would get 20 more dollars if I were to bring the notebook which really upset me because the.notebook is nothing much but line paper and they will pay me 20 dollars less to ne because of that and I have looked for it everywhere and I cannot seem to find it whic is really irritating me.whoevr thought such a small book would become a large problem ani hve.until 6 to find the book because that os when they will top buying te book I think I will only look for tit for a small amount of time and if I am.not able to fin it I will just give up and be robbed off 20 dollars sometimes.I think that this system is just a tad bit unfair but who say anything About it right

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