Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Free write

This blog is past over due its one that i wanted to write last ummer but i diditn blog so i wasnt able to it was about a time thta i ent to a local partie and lost my phone , so i went to one of my friedds birthday party and this party ends yup geting pretty full people we kne people we dont know and so me being stupid i end up getting pretty drunk and once i have bcome drunk i start doing the irishndance in the middle of the dance floor as u can imagene pretty stupid right after i was done dancing i went to tlak to my friends and i went to check my phone and after i couldnt fin it i diditn knwo what to do so i started askign around and this guy told me he found it and gave it to some guy thta said t was his and when i went to task him the guy said he didint do it a big fight was gonna break out but i just avoided it because it was my friends house an di diidnt realy want to start a big fight

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