Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Free write

I ahve relaized that evretime i start blogging i start with a intention of what i am goin to write about but as i am halfway through what i am writing i end up going off in a random rant which i eblibe is actually really funny,dont be surprised if i actually end up doign it here because as soon as a new though comes into my mind i just buid on that , idk if tht is good or bad well i think its actually good because my mind is always very active and always has different thoughts coming into its head that why i think i moght be apretty social person i dont have talkking skills, but i eblive i picked up my talking skills because whne i was younger i was really into this girl and i was too scared to talk to her in person so i would aim her and it helped me build my talking skills dramatically and now i cant stop talking ahah :D

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