Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Free write

So fnally i have reached my las journal though it feels good to have reached iot i am very tired my eyelids start to feel heavy and i dont know if i am more tired than happy though i feel that this will not be the last tim i blog because i is actaully soemthign evry fun you get to vent and express yourself without anyporblem and a lot more easier than writing because i perosnally have the worst writing in the worls so this helps me make readlable journals though my grammar is horendous and lets not start with spelling but i get the drift of what i was trying to say. Thsi last couple of months though rough on me were a good couplle of mohths and i am happy to be currently done with the semester for now singing off :D

Free write

This blog is past over due its one that i wanted to write last ummer but i diditn blog so i wasnt able to it was about a time thta i ent to a local partie and lost my phone , so i went to one of my friedds birthday party and this party ends yup geting pretty full people we kne people we dont know and so me being stupid i end up getting pretty drunk and once i have bcome drunk i start doing the irishndance in the middle of the dance floor as u can imagene pretty stupid right after i was done dancing i went to tlak to my friends and i went to check my phone and after i couldnt fin it i diditn knwo what to do so i started askign around and this guy told me he found it and gave it to some guy thta said t was his and when i went to task him the guy said he didint do it a big fight was gonna break out but i just avoided it because it was my friends house an di diidnt realy want to start a big fight

Free write

I ahve relaized that evretime i start blogging i start with a intention of what i am goin to write about but as i am halfway through what i am writing i end up going off in a random rant which i eblibe is actually really funny,dont be surprised if i actually end up doign it here because as soon as a new though comes into my mind i just buid on that , idk if tht is good or bad well i think its actually good because my mind is always very active and always has different thoughts coming into its head that why i think i moght be apretty social person i dont have talkking skills, but i eblive i picked up my talking skills because whne i was younger i was really into this girl and i was too scared to talk to her in person so i would aim her and it helped me build my talking skills dramatically and now i cant stop talking ahah :D

Free write

So the night is upon me and i am starting to feel just a tad bit tired wellreally tired i am someone that falls aslep early all the time even though to soem this wouldnt bee considered early as they fall asleep much earlier but to most of ym friend this is early, but i personally liek to sleep early because then i also get to wake up eary and that something i personally liek to do because i get to enjoy the day because if i were to wake up at around eleven in the morni i feel like i have already missed most of my dad and i wont be able to enjoy my day as much as i would have , so i think that is a wierd fact about me sleep is not much of an option when the sun is out and sometimes even when it is night.

Free Write

So i have requested the day of from work on saturday because i am going to be watching a soccer game its going to be the champions fianl its going to be manchester united against Fc. Barcelona im very excited i wish it was saturday alreayd so i would be abe to watch the game, this final happend about to years ago and barcelona beat man u . its not always the same teams because many of europes elite clubs compete but thsi just goes to show the potency of these two teams. I have a very big passion for soccer when i was small i used to watch it a lot i grew up watching soccer which help me grow a love for soccer now. ITs also very speical becausei can always watch it with my dad and we get to spend time together , and not just my dad but wth family now days its a lot more harder to get toegther and actually sit down and do soething and siccer brings us togather in that aspect.

Free write

Today i woke up and did and went and did my morning jog once i got back i started doing weights and this though came into my head that i should get a twitterme personally i have always made fun of the people that ahve a twitters beause i think its stupid but in realityi have not wqnted to get a twitter because i think it would be complicated to use i had the same problem with getting a face book at first ahha, but i ended up coming to the conclusion that was going to get one and i did the funny part is that it was just as confusing as it thought maybee even worse i somewhat even regreat getting one #FAIL of the Day

Free write

the other day i went to go watch a coupe o bands at my friends house because he was hosting a show, and he had not hosted a show ina very long time so i was excited to go , and then when i got there i saw a friens that i had not seen ina while and so we decided to go buy some beer to celbrate the occasion kinda dumb how we find any reason to start drinking , but we began too drink and the bands played and then one of my friends band started playing and at these local shows there are people that go into these mosh pits and hit people and since i was kinda druk i decided to do that and i ended up hurting my hand one thing i have to say is i have failes haha :D

Free write

so the week is midway and for some reason i feel better than i have felt in a hwile could it be because school is done but i feel this joy that i have not felt in a while , so i am thinking it had to do with school because when i am n school, i have mass amounts of pressure because work and school is something that becomes difficult to balance, but life should be pretty simple for the next couple of months all i will be doing is just workign and workign is somethi that is simple so i have no problem with that, and my job is not that difficul i work at a bank so i cant complain not a job that is too demanding so for the first time in a couple of i feel happy for no reason. Happy on a wednesday who would ahve thought

free write

For part of the morning I have been looking for a small notebook because today when I tried to go to the school and sell one of my books they that if I was gonna sell one of my books that I would get 20 more dollars if I were to bring the notebook which really upset me because the.notebook is nothing much but line paper and they will pay me 20 dollars less to ne because of that and I have looked for it everywhere and I cannot seem to find it whic is really irritating me.whoevr thought such a small book would become a large problem ani hve.until 6 to find the book because that os when they will top buying te book I think I will only look for tit for a small amount of time and if I am.not able to fin it I will just give up and be robbed off 20 dollars sometimes.I think that this system is just a tad bit unfair but who say anything About it right

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Free write

Saying one more time before we go until the sunshine, Say good bye to the long hours, so good bye to the tedios homework that took a long time to do. Say good bye to the alarm going off. ANNOYING!! Say good bye to the centers in which I was there for hours trying to find the missing piece and to the one that took the time to teach me the right way to find that peice. Say good bye to that loud kid that talks about so much about weed that he makes think your high. Say good bye sleeplees nights over the week day to prepare for the test. Good bye good bye ill see next semester and no im talking about summer im talk after summer. After i partied my pants off and relax my brain a bit and have a nice cold beer. Well deserved to myself :D!!!! Horraayy!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Free Write

I have been studying for my history mid term which has not been fun at all if there is one thing i hate more than anyhing else is finals week. If there would be one phrase that could express how i feel right now, and pardon my french is Fuck You Finals Week , and i meen nothing bad intended to my proffesors haha its just that the pressure begins to set into me so i begin just to feel the presue from work school and i fee that it catches up to me but i elive that after this wee i will be back to nomal and i will not have nothing to worr about and i an just work the summer and start it all over again next semester.

Free write

So Today i had to take my dog to get his nails cut which was very intresting because he dosent really liek to be around peole so it is always very funny to watch ho he reacts when we walked into the pet shop he was not in the best mood so we went in and then i gave him tot he lady and he started growling at her but with time he ended p calming down which was good because the lady could finnaly help us she ended up cutting his nails and it worked out , the funny part is that , i am scared to cut his nails because theire is a prcise place where thye need t be cut and i am not good at that

free write

So my day seems to be improving I feel alot more happy than I did ar th beggining of y day. Now I am at my house pkayin cards with my family. Doing the final revisions on m essay that I hav to turn in tommorow I am excited that the week is alsmost done now I just. Hve to figure out what time my final is going to e because I do. Want to be late I hve to. Finals tommorow so that means I have to wake.up really early to study for ny hisory fi al which I hope that I do good for. I have performed well when I have taken a final. I hope that tommorw isint any different. . The only thing that id bothering m is that nybhand is hurting I yesterday bu with get better

free write

So I feel real tired happy that the week is coming to th end hopefully the week that isncomig up goes really fast. I want to be done with school I am starting to feel thebpressure of school along with work the pressure nownisbstatting to set in but I feel once I get through this week I should be fine. Other than that I had a really good weekend hung out with ny friends which is always a pleasure. Yesterday I didn't ft home till about 5 in the morning so I am really tired. And I didn't et so much sleep because I woke up at 8 so running on three hours of sleep I now have to finish my essay and study for ny history final wish me luck

Thursday, May 19, 2011

free write

so yesterday i recieved a phone cal from my cuzins wife and she had asked me if i wold be able tot ake care of her son and since i had no school today i told her that i would gladly take careof her kid, but when i take careof him i also realize ho hard it is to care for a kid and how much attention that a child needs , if they are to be left alone for one second anythign can happen i them makes me realize that at th moment i am not ready to be able to take care of a kid and that i still need many more years of experience in the world until i am able to begin taking responsibility of another life. Though a child brings many joys into many people lifes with that happiness that it brings comes great responsibility that many may not be resy to hndle , and at this moment as i see my self i think that if i were to have a child i would not be ready.

Free write

today has been a real busy day i had to be running all over the city because i found out the one of my czins wasa rrested so we have been running all over trying to seee what we are able to do for him , hopefully we are able to figure something out because since he is also an immigrant he runs the risk of being deported back to his hom counry which would not benefit him at all especially now that t is next to impposibe to make i back to the united staes due to the fact of all of the drug lords in mexico trying to cotrol that area, we have been calling many jails trying to figure out where he is but they do not give us too much information hopefully by the end of today we end up getting some good news because the last couple of days have resulted in nothing

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Free Write

There have been a couple of revisions thta i have made revisions but the miost important onees that i made were the thesis because i feel that my thesis as lacking very much but now i feel that i dont have a strong thesis my essay will not be able to stand on its own, but now that it has the strong thesis its a much better essay

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Free write

past couple of days have been pretty harsh on me and my family many things can happen in so little time. Of friday my uncle got a phone call with bad news that oine of my cuzins was in a jail and that he was going to be deprted which was very shockign news , he is not a us citizen which makes him very vulnerable to being deported, so he ended up being pulled over and since he did not have a liscence the cops arrested him, then he went to jail and know he is in the proccess of being deprted has made our lifes that much more complicated.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

free write

my thesis so far is not a good thesis i feel that it needs radical change because it is very week i plan to work on it over the weeknd so that i am able to start building on my essay because me personally i am not able to write an essay or even have ideas. with a weak thesis its liek having a perosn with out fete they are not able to functin as well as thye should and my thesis at the moment is handicapp but it should be a good thesis in a couple of days

Monday, May 2, 2011

Free write

Ezperansa is the represenatative of all the women on mango street she is the one who says what they want to since the woman cannot say i themselves. Throughout the book we get many stories of women that took part in ezperansas life. i feelt that she does not have much of a different out look on the other characters