Monday, January 31, 2011

Free write

Today i woke up really early which o do not like doing because i love to get as much sleep as i possibly can , but i had to come to school so there was no other option but to wake up. Once i had gotten up i went ad turned my tv on and realized that i was running late what a disater, i was not sure if  i was going to be late for class so i rushed and showered had a bowl of cereal and was iut the door; seemed like time was against me , but i was going to beat it i just had about 15 minutes to reach school and i did.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

journal 2

today was a very interesting sunday not to not too much but it was a great sunday. I watched the football games for part of my days which were very interesting football game because they have nothing to lose today were what they call the proble sos very interesting to watch the best players in the football leagues to format a very fun level which you rarely see in the league any more because ser. Team wants to win but not today because the teams just wanted ed tobhae fun because the season was over so there was no reason why theybshoyldnt have fun

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Free write (My name )

My name does not have much history my father and my mother just decided to give me that name because they liked it and it is soemone common to see man salvadorean families name their kids nelson. Growing up i was very proud to wear the name nelson ; nelson is not a name commonly seen when i was in high school at my school i was the only nelson out of large amoutn of people, and i have ran into many people in my life and only one time i ahve ran into another nelson and it was at chaffey college and he was a salvadorean to. So i am very happy with my name because people never get mistaken when they are taking about me if they are tlakign about nelson they  are talking about no one else but me they dont have to add an extra name to my name like tall nelson, short nelson, bald nelson and so on. Which makes me very happy because withing my friends there are many repeat names and we have to give them a particular name so that we are able to distiguish between them. Many people would hope to have a name that is not used very much by people and i am glad that i am on of them.

Main Point: Havign a name that is not commonly used is a great thing to have.

Free write 4

Siblings are very important people in someones life especially when this person has an older brother because they can help guide they way as their smaller brother grows up. In my case this was a very different situation because my brother did not help guide me ; i have acted as if i were the older brother in our family because i take much more responsibility than he does i have a job and provide him with what he needs such as a cell phone money for food ; that is not the only thing that i provide him with i also give him guidance on how to preform well in school, and when he has a job interview i also prepare him so that he is able to get the job and start making improvements in his life. In a regular ;life most older brothers are supposed to lead they way for a smaller brother an be the example in this case i am the example!

The main point: Someone growing up and acting as if they were the older brother instead of his brother acting like if he was the older one.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

journal 1

Today was a good day because I wad able to leave work early which I never get to do so I was able to have more time to do homework anactually do this blog. I evvn had time to make my self somethig good. To eat and I rarely have. Tine to do that now I just eat penut butter and jell sanwhoches so this is going to be good for a change. The best part of today was that we were not busy so we did not have to work to hard :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Free write 2

Attending my first professional soccer game would be a unforgettable experience.I was 6 yrs. old when this would happen and i had not attended a professional soccer game before this so i would be very excited. My father would let me know that the tickets he had bought were for his national team which is El Salvador.The game was  on a Saturday , so that Saturday afternoon we would go to the stadium to watch the game . When we got to the game the atmosphere was very fun people were very prideful of the team that they were supporting having their national flags painted on their face.

Action: I was going to go to a soccer game to see my fathers national team play
Actors: Me (nelson) ,Father, brother,uncle, cousin , all of the people that were present at the game
Setting: The rose bowl
Motive: To experience a live professional soccer game
Method: my father obtaining the tickets/by sitting in the stadium and watching the game

Free write 1

One o0f the child hood emmories that i would never forget would be the time that i went to go see my first socccer game. It was very memorable because i had so much fun and i never thought that i would be able to experience so much fun by going to the game. I always thought that watching a game on tv would be the same as watching it at a stadium , but i would be mistaken. I was about 6 years old when this appen my father had gotten tickets for a national soccer game it was going to be el salvador vs. costa rica a very good soccer game just by the names maentioned. The game would be on a saturday and that whole week i could not wait until i would go. Finally, the day that i would go to the soccer game would come and we were on our way tow atch the game.