Monday, March 28, 2011

Free write

Red clowns is a very powerful story we see where esperanza gets raped and it si the climax of the stry and its intresting how esperaza starts talkign about how it was soppoused to be her first sexual encounter and we seet hat sh ewas expecting somethign much more different , the rape is somethign evry powerful and we can see that there is a big slpit from esperanzanad men in general in this situation , she always expected her first sexual encounter to be liek the movies and the books but it was nothing like that

Monday, March 21, 2011

Free Write

Today i went to go and buy a computer the computer that i had before was not working correctly any more i t was running at a ver slow rate which was making me fall behind in my homework . because evreytime i ould go on the computer to do some hw it would take me 1 hour or more to do soemthing that shold only take me 15 minutes which is a lot more longer and i did not like that so i decded to go ad buy the computer it ended up costing me very much money but i feel it was a good invesment.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Essay 3
Argumentative Thesis
Mla Citation- works cited
Bring topic on monday

Fast Food places use toys, games, and

free write

My Perfect home is somewhere I can have fun, and I have no stress. I am someone who likes to have fun. In many situations when I go out with my friends I am known as the life of the party. I try to make sure that every time i go somewhere I make it a fun time because I do not want to have a bad time. I want people to feel that they have fun when they come to my home. I try to live a life that does not have much stress. In most situations I try and avoid anything that is going to cause conflict in my life. If it is going to become a problem I rather not get involved because it will big problems into my life. When people come into my home they should feel that my home is somewhere that they can come, and they can forget about their current problems that they are having. If my perfect home is able to provide me and the people around me with fun and not stress I feel that it can make it so I am that much closer to reaching my perfect home.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Free write No speak english

IT is similar because someone is able to do it , but someone might choose not to do it. Like in the book they wamt her to english but she does not want to learn becuase she does not want to become distant from her home roots and by learning english and speaking it she becomes more distant. I belive its more about her beign more afraid of english because it will overcome her and like i had said llose her roots.