Monday, February 28, 2011

Free wite

Yesterday was a very intresting day for me , i woke up and was running on no sleep because the prevoius night i had got home super late ; so when i woke up i decided to go to watch a soccer game like i usually do. After i got to the soccer game a couple of my fiends wanted to go to the casino where i had never been so i decided to go on my way over there i stopped by the bank and withdrew money in the hopes that i would win some money; when i got to the casino i played the slot mach9nes for a mall amount of time and lost a little bit of money after i did not win i went to play poker after almost loosing all of my money i began to win and got to a petty nice stack of chips but since i wanted to win more i kept playng which led to my downfall and i lost all of my money :/

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

free write

Esperanza is also trying to have a perfect home. ” Only a house quiet as snow, a space for myself to go, clean as paper before the poem” , we get the understanding that she is trying to reach her definition of happiness. She lets us know that she wants to go to a place that is very quiet. By telling this she helps with understanding that maybe her past might have not been as quiet, and maybe a place where many things happened all the time. She wants a place where she can only go where she does not have to deal with people. By secluding herself she is helping herself be happy. She also wants her home to be as clean as paper before the poem she wants to go to a place where everything is pure; a paper before the poem is a paper that has no story. Esperanza wants to be at a home where her story that she had in her past does not exist. Esperanza may have a different definition of what she believes happiness maybe from to her, but that’s what she is looking for.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Free write

esperanza is a very intrestin perosn i feel she is a ery powerful woman and we get that when we read the book because in many aspects she is the voice for all of the people of the book and for her to be speaking on behalf of all of these popel the sense is giving us that she is the almighty powerful though the term is loosly used because not all mighty powerful but she is the one that is used to tell the stories to the reader because maybee the pople in the book are too scared to speka on theor own behalfs.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Free write (litle feet)

esperanza is focusing on the fact that the sky never runs out that she feels safe, because the city that she is growing up in is not very safe and she explains thais by the beauty of the flowers that run out ; this would show the example of her city and how it might have spurts of beaty it runs out.. also when they talk about darius chasing the girls around showing that there might be hope because though darius shows that there is more beauty in the world that there are somethinngs that  will bring beauty to the world and though it may be at a distance and esperanza might not see it is there

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

free write

yesterday was very fun day though i do not remember muchi remember the first part of the night . i forgot what happend because i neded up getting super drunk so me being under the influence helped me forget much of my night but , it was a very fun night i met new people and had fun with old friends we started the night by going to buy the beer which withing its self was an adventure because we ended up getting lit up by a helicopter because my friend was going 100 mph on the street thankfully nothing happend. after we ended up playing many games of beer pong. I met this girl that was super cool and after i was to drunk to remember what happend

Free write

So today i had taken a test for my math class and it was on my mind the whole day because i belive that i had missed the easiest question on the test . this question i should not have missed i had gotten the most complicated ones on the test right but not the easiest one.this problem played in my head the whole day , and i repeat what should have happend opposed to what happend.

free write

So I went to do my taxes today not the dumbest experience beause I had t wait a very longntime because where I go there are many people that go and do thee taxes there i arrived at about.3 andended up 6 the worst part was that it was on my day off from work andi only get one work off from work so to spend my day at the tax office was not very fun but the good thing was that I was able to get them.done and don't have to deal with them again whih makes me very happy. So ny day was use towards something good and now the days that I will have off I can have to my self

free write

The changes that I have decided to make on my essay were to better my essay. I had made some changes in sentence structure so that it would make it easier for the reader to read my paper. If it is not easy to read my paper the reader might get confused on the point that I am trying to show them. I also added quotes from scholarly journals s that it would be able to support my argument. By doing this I am able to provide my reader with some facts so that it makes my essay that much more believable and a lot stronger. I also made many spelling correction and also made many grammar changes, so that my essay is grammatically correct, and also does not confuse the reader.

Monday, February 7, 2011

free write

Today i woke up and remebered that i had to turn in my essay which caught me off gaurd because i was not prepared to turn it in. So since i did not have much time  i had to put one together as fast as i possibly could. Would i have the sufficient time to put the essay together i did not know but i did not have time to think about it i had to begin to write my esay. I  only has 45 minutes to put it together so i got trough my first 2 paragraphs with no problem with even time to spare, but then i got writers block i did not know what to write about. So i took a 5 minute break and begin to think of ideas. This ended up helping me because i got the perfect ideas and finished my essay with 5 minutes to spare. :)

Free write (his other cousin)

It was very intresting how louies cousing had stolen a car to go show it off in the neighborhood , he gave the kids in the neighborhood rides which was very important because it helps sets the mood for what happens afterwards when he ends up taking off because he is feeling the cops. thoguh he had stolen the car he still wants to please the kids by giving them rides showing that though he did something bad he is still doing something good.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Free write

When i was a child  i really wanted to buy a water gun during the summer because it was really hot and i would be able to have fun and at the same time cool down. I ended up asking my parents if they would be able to buy me the water gun; my dad let me know that he would tell me later on during the day. When it came time to let me know if he was going to be able to purchase the water gun he told me that he was not going to be able to buy it for me because of my behavior lately and so i began to throw a temper tantrum , which ended up making it worse because i got yelled at and ended up getting grounded , so i learned when my parents tell me that they are not going to buy me something don't get mad.